Boy Vs Girl Baby Bunny

Warnings: Unsettling, Loud.
Notices: Stub, Outdated Page, Joke Mod, Upcoming Content, Copyrighted.

Weegee Lose.png
Outdated Page

Wake up! - Soul Boyfriend

This page is outdated. Please help update it if you can. The talk page may contain more information.

Reason: Bob took over another one, let's get to work soldiers.

Unfinished Page

It really don't matter, your chances of making it are shorter than your height. - Kia

This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!

Reason: Gallery needs to be expanded, we need all of Baby Blue Brother's forms, AND a Bob crossover was just released

Spookalgamate Danger.png
Unsettling Themes


This page contains imagery, themes, mod or character that either comes from something that may make the reader uncomfortable or appears unsettling, continue at your own risk!

Reason: In Baby Blue Brother's losing icon, he is shown being ran over by a car, bleeding. This may be disturbing to some viewers. Also, The dialogue in "baby blue" may be unsettling to some as it kills off the baby multiple times. Homer's Losing icon may be disturbing since he is melting in a gory way. Freddy Fazbear comes from Five Nights at Freddy's, a game with jumpscares and is mainly about dead children. Tinky Winky appears in this mod for a mere cameo in Baby Blue and still is quite unsettling. also in the menu, an image of squid game is seen and squid game's source material is known for its tons of blood and gore. And don't even get us started on the final phase in week 3. The amalgamation is disturbing to some. and Bob and Ron duet losing icon have their eyes bleeding is disturbing. Possibly the Unsettling Themes template the new icon must to be added.

Joke Mod


This mod is or contains content that was made with comedic intent!

Note: The dialogue isn't trying to be serious at all, and Baby Blue is filled with memes. Also, did we mention that you're rap battling a baby? Also, Bob, Ron, and Little Man...they here too.


Copyrighted Page

But yeah, Vs. Baby Blue Brother is probably gonna beat my ass now. - Boyfriend

This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets.

Reason: Old Menu Music has a lot of copyrighted tracks, Eilot is from a Mumkey Jones video.


Loud Sounds

This section contains very loud audio. If you are wearing headphones, be careful!

Upcoming Content

Lets end this, so I can get Vs. Baby Blue Brother out of here. - X-Ruv

This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a Funkin' Forward or Funkin' Expo direct (or something of that nature), a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information! This article likely has placeholder content. Please refrain from adding any false or unconfirmed information.

Reason: A Week 4 is teased at the end of Week 3.

Baby Blue Brother is a character created by vomic, Evdial and s8ku. In this mod, Boyfriend is babysitting his baby brother, who he hates, and decides to challenge to a rap battle to spend the time, at week 2, he throws a fist at boyfriend.


Baby Blue Brother

Not to be confused with Baby

Baby Blue Brother is a character created by comic, Evdial, and s8ku. In this mod, Boyfriend is babysitting his baby brother, who he hates, and decides to challenge to a rap battle to spend the time.


Baby Blue Brother is a small human baby with a light blue blouse. During Baby Blue, he changes to Homer Simpson, Scout, Freddy Fazbear, Tinky Winky, Hatsune Miku, Monster and Pewdiepie.

In Week 2, he's standing with angry expression in his face, and uses a rattle as a microphone.


Running Goblin

Running Goblin (TRG for short) is the final antagonist of the mod added in week 2. His Song Is "Track-Star" and he is a runner. His Family is built on swimming, His Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa Were Olympic Swimmers. He's supposed to be a swimmer too, but his dad takes him to swimming lessons everyday even though that's not what he wants to do. ... What? What do you mean nobody asked?


If you couldn't already tell, TRG is a small, green goblin wearing nothing but red boxers with white laces. He runs very fast in a circle in his idle so much so that he left burnmarks on the sidewalk. He also has big ears.



Baby Blue Brother (Gametoons Ver.) is a secret character in the hidden song "Gametoons".

This Isn't Even Fully Animated But IDC


GameToons Baby Blue is Baby Blue but with his look from GameToons' Friday Night Funkin' Logic episode "BOYFRIEND HAS A BABY?!". Instead of a blouse, he wears a white diaper, and instead of being bald, he has a small tuft of blue hair.

" Ron. Their brotherly bond is beating us. Theres only one way we can become even better. "
― Bob, Pre-Insignificance


Bob utilizes his appearance from Trouble from Bob's Onslaught, where a part of hell Bob covers parts of his body, including half of his face and his arm. A realistic eye also remains on the part of his face covered in black and his microphone drips black substance.

" im being forced against my will sorry in advance guys :/ "
― Ron, Just Like You


Again, Ron is a yellow-skinned humanoid man with a dark yellow outfit and a desktop folder for a head. (Still do be kinda smug tho)

" help us "
― Ron, Insignificance


The Amalgamation is a giant black, white, and yellow blob with the (distorted) faces of Bob, Ron, and Little Man (insert overused bob mod joke here).


Trivia (General)

  • During "Baby Blue", You can hear a sped up version of "Personal Space Invasion" playing instead of the normal instrumental.
  • The second song, Kidz Bop, is named after a cover band that covers songs to make it more kid friendly.
  • Hatsune Miku's appearance in Baby Blue has a updated version of her sprites, for an update to her mod.
  • During Little Man 2, "Baby Blue" can be heard briefly.
  • Baby Blue is an actual joke in the family.
  • BBB made peace with the car in his angry losing icon. :)
  • Gametoons is actually longer, but was cut off due to the instrumental being cut off
  • Gametoons was made in 30 minutes
  • Trackstar was originally going to be a freeplay song only, but was added to the main week due to his likeness
  • This is the second mod to have an animated icon, the first being ENTITY Orgins.



Loud Audio

OH GOD MY EARS. - Big Chungus

This section contains very loud audio. If you are wearing headphones, beware!

Reason: Baby blue brother's scream is very really loud and around the end of nap time and Baby Blue, PewDiePie screams for his vocals.


Nap Time
BPM: 100
Scroll Speed: 1.9 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 37800


Kidz Bop
BPM: 163
Scroll Speed: 2.3 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 83650


Baby Blue
BPM: 150
Scroll Speed: 2.6
Maximum Score: 336000


Temper Tantrum
BPM: 160
Scroll Speed: 2.8 (All Difficulties)


Baby's revenge
BPM: 160
Scroll Speed: 2.9 (All Difficulties)


Un Adieu
BPM: 125
Scroll Speed: 2.6 (All Difficulties)


BPM: 152
Scroll Speed: 2.8 (All Difficulties)


Baby Bob
BPM: 140
Scroll Speed: 3 (All Difficulties)


Just Like You
BPM: 150
Scroll Speed: 3.2 (All Difficulties)


BPM: 190
Scroll Speed: 3.2 (All Difficulties)

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : BABA!

Robot 404 Death Icon.png

Loud Audio

OH GOD MY EARS. - Big Chungus

This section contains very loud audio. If you are wearing headphones, beware!

Reason: There's glitched audio of a child screaming.


BPM: 149
Scroll Speed: 2.5 (All Difficulties)



Little Man Icon.png

Loud Audio

Vs. Baby Blue Brother! Goodness... keep it down! - Carol

This section contains very loud audio. If you are wearing headphones, beware!

Reason: Menu Music (Old) is very loud.


Menu Music


Menu Music (Old)


Baby's Theme










Nap Time Dialogue

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : *sucks on thumb like baby*

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : mom said i had to babysit your shitass.

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : googoo gaga

Kidz Bop Dialogue

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : ok... you wanna play it that way asshole.

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : *falls over and cracks head on concrete*

Baby Blue Dialogue

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : ... *looks behind self*

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : woah, it seems like a crowd has formed *rubs chinny chin chin*

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : *grabs scroll out of own asshole* *clears throat* the people in the crowd being evdial, saku, vomic, bbpanzu, smokey, sky fnf mod, getma-

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : *shits self*

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : this is the last straw i fucking hate you

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : *grabs baseball bat and slamms on soft spot*

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : *explodes into blood*

Temper Tantrum Dialogue

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : *sucks on thumb like angry baby*

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : you insignificant child…

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : do you think this will stop me

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : …

Baby's Revenge Dialogue

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : *does backflip*

Un Adieu Dialogue

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : looks like its your bed time little bro

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : *throws baby blue out of empty part of wall and he slides across the street like a hockey puck*

Trackstar Dialogue

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : you must be my best friends big brother

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : that was crazy what happened back there, you made him super duper mad!

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : my name is the running goblin, you can call me trg for short

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : the bloodline of my family has been built on swimming

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : all my parents and grandparents were olympic swimmers

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : im supposed to be one too, my daad takes me to swimming lessons every day

Runninggobliniconfix.png The Running Goblin : but i was born to run, the track calls my name, and i answer!

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : idc

Pre-Baby Bob Cutscene Transcript

(A flashback to Baby's Revenge, and then to Un Adieu.)

(A clip from Bijuu Mike's BBB Week 2 video, where he says "I'm not scared of a baby! Why would I be? Go get a job, baby.")

(A gif of Pewdiepie being jumpscared, accompanied by Bijuu saying "You know there's Rule 34, right-")

(BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother is sleeping on the floor of his room. We enter his dream.)

Baby Bob Dialogue

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : ...

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : You.

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : You think youre funny, huh?

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : News flash, youre not funny or cute or clever.

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : You foolish little boy. Do you think just copying other people will get you anywhere?

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : ...

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : When I take over this place, I'll make sure you and that green little shit pay.

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : !!!

Pre-Just Like You Cutscene Transcript

(TroubleBobLose.png B o b , twitching, melts into the ground)

(Back in the real world, BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother and BFIcon.png Boyfriend are teleported away.)

Just Like You Dialogue

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Do you think joining forces will stop me?

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : yes whore

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : gogoga ggogoa

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Oh, this palace?

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Oh, this wonder?

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : This is my domain, the world of Phloxtopia gives me power

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : this place is shit idc

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Take that back right now.

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : Ummmmmmm

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : No

RonIcon.png Ron : im being forced against my will sorry in advance guys :/

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : *slaps ron in the face really hardly*

RonIcon.png Ron : OWWWW *starts crying*

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : thats what you get for talking back.

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : look what you made me do.

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : wtf is your guys problem

Pre-Insignificance Dialogue/Cutscene Transcript

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Enough.

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Ron. Their brotherly bond is beating us. Theres only one way we can become even better.

RonIcon.png Ron : what

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Three is better than two.

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : *sings out into the darkness*

(Little Man is summoned. He looks around, confused.)

(Suddenly, the three Bob's Onslaught characters fuse together to form a horrifying amalgation.)

Insignificance Dialogue

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : wtf

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : Now how will you defeat us little baby

BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother : bplfbpfhfghdhdsfg

TroubleBobLose.png B o b : ok

RonIcon.png Ron : help us

BFIcon.png Boyfriend : ok :)

Post-Insignificance Cutscene Transcript

(The three are un-fused. BobIcon.png Bob 's head pops like a balloon. RonIcon.png Ron and Little Man celebrate by dancing around. Text in the bottom-right corner of the screen reads: "WOOHOO!")

(BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother wakes up back in his room. It is sunset now, and there is an ambulance parked outside.)

(Through the crack in the open door to the room, we briefly see BobHellIcon.png Bob 's eyes.)


"in week 4"


Gallery (General)

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v - e

Swap AnthroDoggoNormalIcon.png Anthro Doggo - CloserTogetherIcon.png BF And GF - BGFriendIcon.png BGFriend - GF Icon.png Vs. Girlfriend - Monster BF NewIcon.png Monster BF - Monster Pico - Mad Senpai - MonsterspiritIcon.png Monster and Humanized!Spirit - Pirate Monster - Pulp - Romantic Boyfriend - The Spookalgamate - TallBFCrazyIcon.png Tall Boyfriend ( BossSwagMaster ) - Inside-Out Boyfriend - Gf clone icon.png Girlfriend Clone 185 - GF Icon.png Christmas Girlfriend - Doge/Shiba Inu Girlfriend - Happy Pico - BF over GF - Rapper GF Neutral.png Rapper GF - Crazy Girlfriend - Angrier Senpai - NekoNormNeutral.png Lia - MiaIcon.png Mia - KiaIcon.png Kia - StalkerIcon.png Stalker Girl - CarlosIcon.png Carlos - Reanimated Boyfriend - BF X Pico - GF Icon.png Playable Minus GF - HDSenpaiIcon.png Senpai / Spirit HD HDSpiritIcon.png - HDMonika Icon.png HD Monika - Lemon Angel - Smol Monster - Photoshopped BF - MonsterNeekoIcon.png Monster Neeko - Pixel Pico - ImpostorBFIcon.png Impostor Boyfriend - Toadico - Festive BF
Relatives BF Dad Icon.png Boyfriend's Dad - BF Mom Icon.png Boyfriend's Mom - Ritzicon.png Ritz - Miku Icon (New).png Hatsune Miku ( bbpanzu ) - Big BrotherIcon.png Big Brother - Big sis normal.png Big Sister - OlderBroIcon.png Older Bro - BabyblueIcon.png Baby Blue Brother - Bro Icon.png Beach Brother - Cassandra Neutral.png Cassandra - LilaIcon.png Lila - Corrupted Lemon Neutral.png Corrupted Lemon - Lemon Sister Neutral.png Lemon Sister
OC WhittyIcon.png Whitty (New smol whitty neutral icon.png Fun Sized ) - UpdikeIcon.png Updike - Hex Icon.png Hex (Fun sized hex normal icon.png Fun Sized ) - Carol Icon Neww.png Carol - Annie Icon.png Annie - Dailia Icon.png Dalia - King (King Neutral.png lagoAnims - KingIcon.png tictacto ) - Ex Icon New.png Ayana - TabiIcon.png Tabi - UnusedSundayNormalIconMaybe.png Sunday - Sarvente icon.png Sarvente (RESarventeIcon.png Remaster - Le smol sarv icon.png Young ) - Ruv Icon.png Ruv (RemasteredRuvrIcon.png Remaster - Neutral icon.png Fun Sized ) - Selever Neutral.png Selever (RemasterSelIcon.png Remaster ) - Garcello Neutral.png Garcello ( Minus )- Saltyicon.png Salty - OpheebopIcon.png Opheebop - BlueberryIcon.png Blueberry - Jester Redesign Neutral.png Jester - BobIcon.png Bob - RonIcon.png Ron - Little Man Icon.png Little Man - VSRetro Icon.png RetroSpecter (Vs. RetroSpecter) - Sakuroma.png Sakuroma - XeIcon.png Xe - Ruria Normal Update.png Ruria - DetraIcon.png Detra - JTC Icon.png JTC - Snarts - Randy Icon.png Randy - Fuego - Mike - IrishIconlol.png Macy - Zuki.png Kazuki - Brightside Icon.png Brightside - Parasite Neutral.png Parasite - OmegaIcon.png Omega - BowieIcon.png Bowie - PlateIcon.png Plate - SketchyIcon.png Sketchy (SketchyRemasterIcon.png Redrawn ) - Pompom icon normal.png Pompom - Mackie Neutral.png Mackie - RidZakIcon.png RidZak - CybbrIcon.png Cybbr - Shroom - StaticIcon.png Static - Myra Neutral.png M y r a - Singe-Icon-Danger.png Singe - Sear-Icon-Danger.png Sear - VetarIconWrath.png Vetar - Kosten - Wren - AgotiIcon.png A.G.O.T.I. - Lune - Xyn - CorruptIconNormal.png Corrupt - Fire IconNormal.png Fire - Kaleigh IconNormal.png Kaleigh - Feri IconNormal.png Feri - Flexy icon.png Flexy - The Merchant - DemetriosIcon.png Demetrios - AndersIcon.png Anders - Alex Bird - Red neutral.png Red - KapiNewIcon.png Kapi - KauanIcon.png Kauan - Lexi - Abigali neutral.png Abigail - Fluffy the Hellcat - Subject 93 - SnokeIcon.png Noke - CJ Neutral.png CJ - Ruby Neutral.png Ruby - Bob Neutral.png Bob - Bosip Neutral.png Bosip - FlashIcon.png Flash - LuxusIcon.png Luxus - FrogIcon.png Frog Man - Anchor Neutral.png Anchor - Roro Neutral.png Roro - Alya Neutral.png Alya - Suvarna Neutral.png Suvarna - SporkIcon.png Grunko - BerzerkNewIcon.png Ber zerk - Displo Neutral.png Displo - Kou Neutral.png Kou - Clownso - Ignis and May - Starecrown2Icon.png Starecrown - Dilune - GhostTwinsIcon.png Ghost Twins - KatelynIcon.png Katelyn - Cye icon neutral.png Cye - YukichiIcon.png Yukichi - French Fry Guy - Reaper - MeltyIcon.png Melty - Kiya - Xigmund Neutral.png Xigmund - TreeNewIcon.png Tree - Duck - AlfieWin.png Alfie - Watermelon the Cat - KastimaginaIcon.png Kastimagina - ASCIIIcon.png ASCII - DJ Hallyboo - Flatline - Onek - CyrixIcon.png Cyrix - SpringheelIcon.png Dr. Jack Springheel - SammyIcon.png Sammy - Cyber Alula - FilipIcon.png Filip - linkRosie Rosie - Mel icon.png Mel - Bana icon.png Bana - Peri icon.png Peri - Icon.png Tac - Lucian icon.png Lucian - Abby icon.png Abby - NickIcon.png Nick - Ball Icon.png Animated Ball - Yoma - Govesneutralicon.png Goves - Hellneutralicon.png Hell - Beegie - UsagiIcon.png Usagi - IconBooQueen.png Boo Queen - Olivia - Qt Icon.png QT - MomiIcon.png Momi - LokiIcon.png Loki - AshtorethIcon.png Ashtoreth - ShowcasterIcon.png Showcaster - FizzIcon.png Fizz - Fueg0Icon.png Fueg0 - Poly - ValerieIcon.png Valerie - Violet Icon.png Vio let - VoidIcon.png Void - DoorSalesmanIcon.png Door to Door Door Salesman - Javarehab - CoralieIcon.png Coralie - LibidriIcon.png Libidri - SuitIcon.png Suit - LicorFace.png Licorice - VeinadyIcon.png Veinady - Avenue Neutral.png Avenue - BananaslammaIcon.png Bananaslamma - RinnazIcon.png Rinnaz - Dr. LinoadoIcon.png Dr. Linoado - Enysmo - ZenosIcon.png Zenos - Chira Icon.png Chira - NovaHDIcon.png Nova - JerriIcon.png Jerri - ConnerIcon.png Conner - SmileyFace-Icon.png Smiley Face - Dark - StairsIcon.png Stairs - DoorIcon.png Door - AdamIcon.png Adam - ChosbyIcon.png Cosby - Icons Shuri.png Shuri - Icon Ken.png Ken - Javier icon.png Javier - Creamicon.png Cream - RichardIcon.png Richard Gyro - JayIcon.png Jay - DoxxieNeutral.png DOXXI3 - TroyrIcon.png Troyr - GhostIcon.png Ghost - NovanomikonNormalIcon.png Novanomikon - FunkIcon.png Funk - BananaUserIcon.png GameBanana User - FridgeIcon.png Fridge - Stickman - PrinterIcon.png Printer - GrassBlockIcon.png Grass Block - Toxic HaterIcon.png Toxic Hater
Newgrounds TrickyIcon.png Tricky (OGMaskedTricky.png Classic Tricky ) - Tricky Phase 0 - Tricky Phase 5 - ConsternationHankIcon.png Hank J. Wimbleton - SanfordIcon.png Sanford - DeimosNeutralIcon.png Deimos (DeimosAggregationIcon.png Aggregation - MashProTato ) - Jebus2Icon.png Jebus ( Latexify - SMc5 ) - AuditorIcon.png The Auditor - Magtorture.png Mag Agent: Torture - RompIcon.png Romp ( DerpyVR ) - ScrapefaceIcon.png Scrapeface - Hotdogfirsticon1.png Hotdog Vendor - Ena Icon.png ENA ( Senpai ) - Moonyicon.png Moony - Shepicon.png Shepherd ( Supercario ) - Auctioneer - Brick Frog - Darnell - CassandraIcon2.png Cassandra - Nene - FFPiconjo Neutral.png Piconjo - TordIcon.png Tord ( TordIconRemaster.png Legacy Edition ) - Tom Neutral.png Tom - EddIcon.png Edd (EddNormalIcon.png Spider_Thiago)- Matticon.png Matt (MattEdd Neutral.png Full Week ) - HenryNewIcon.png Henry Stickmin - Phil icon.png Phil Eggtree - Venus And Eve Neutral.png Venus and Eve - SigmaIcon.png Sigma - SaladFingersIcon.png Salad Fingers - Steve - Fancy Pants - Marlow and Lanney - Gwain - AmiIcon.png Ami - DevaIcon.png Deva - Stan
Gaming Zardyicon.png Zardy - CablecrowIcon.png Cablecrow - Monika Icon.png Monika - Sayori Icon Updated.png Sayori - Rayman - Mario - Peach - YIcon.png Yoshi - OVA Sonic - MCSonic - MajinSonicNeutral.png Majin Sonic - Noob Revamp.png Roblox Noob - CheekyNewIcon.png Cheeky - ViolastroIcon.png Violastro - ViolastroBotIcon.png ViolastroBot - Sakuya Izayoi - AthenaIcon.png Athena Asamiya - AthenaNormalIcon.png Athena - FreddyALTIcon.png Freddy Fazbear - Springtrap Neutral.png Springtrap - DoomIcon.png William Afton - Michael Afton - Funtime Foxy - Lolbit - Mangle - Bendy icon.png Bendy - Baldi - Mono - BEAR - Frisk-the-child.png Frisk - Chara (CharaIcon.png SnowTheFox - Chara Neutral.png Hexar ) - Sans (LiterallyNoOneSansIcon.png LiterallyNoOne - SansIcon.png TheLunar27 - Sans icon1.png Susususus ) - Papyrus - Dust Sans - MettatonIcon.png Mettaton - KiryuIcon.png Kiryu Kazuma - OmoriIcon.png OMORI - Aubrey Icon.png AUBREY - SpaceBFIcon.png SPACE BOYFRIEND - MiiMattNewIcon.png Matt - LizIcon.png Liz - LaneIcon.png Lane - Neon Icon.png Neon - Dark Matter -SectoniaNeutral.png Queen Sectonia - Vibri - 1 0 1 0 - Default Boy - W.D. Gaster - Captain Viridian - Hat Kid (HatKidIcon.png Lads In Hats - HatKidKokoroIcon.png Kokoro Hatsaru ) - Fred icon frogsong.png Fred The Frog - Watergirl Icon.png Watergirl - Fireboy Icon.png Fireboy - Davoth - Doom Slayer ( Manlet ) - Mae Neutral.png Mae - Angus Icon.png Angus - MaidIcon.png Maid in the Mist - Peashooter - Sunflower - Game N Watch Icon.png Mr. Game & Watch - Banjo Icon.png Banjo - BadPigIcon.png Ross - Bubbles - KK Neutral.png K.K. Slider -AnkhaIcon.png Ankha - Monokuma Icon.png Mono kuma - Rock Pikmin - Reporter - Brainwashed Callie - Hatty Hattington - BradNeutral.png Brad Armstrong - Hart Neutral.png Hart - MC. Ballyhoo - Despacito Spider - Mayday - KalisaIcon.png Kalisa - Chess Cho co Cookie - Tiger Lily Cookie - Fire Spirit Cookie - Isaac icon.png Isaac - CrewmateIcon.png Crewmate (PurpleIcon.png Purple - HamterIcon.png Tomongus - Mat - Sophie - Zachie ) - Impostor (ImpostorNewIcon.png Red - GreenImpostorIcon.png Green - BlackImpostorNormal.png Black ) - Whisper - Komasan and Komajiro - John Bomb - Nadeko Sengoku - DJ Sray - Ralsei - OliviaIcon.png Olivia - DoGIcon.png The Devourer of Gods - Major Burrows - Commander Tartar - ScaryLarryIcon.png Scary Larry - HumanIcon.png Human - RagdollIcon.png Ragdoll - GmanIcon.png G-Man - IB icon.png Interactive Buddy

- DespaSpiderIcon.png Despacito Spider

Animation XChara.png X!Chara' - Inkicon.png Ink!Sans - XGasterNormal.png X!Gaster - Lewis Pepper - DIO - Caleb-Icon.png Caleb Lightpaw - Pelito - Peludo - Mami Icon 1 Normal.png Mami - Ryuko - SpinelIcon.png Spinel - PeridotIcon.png Peridot - LordHelpMe.png Lapis Lazuli - JasperIcon.png Jasper - HildaIcons.png Hilda - Gelatin - Flippyicon1.png Flippy (Otherflippynormalicon.png j0nnytest ) - Flakyicon1.png Flaky - DaisyNormal.png Daisy - Eric Cartman - Loona - Jotaro and Kakyoin - PinkieIcon.png Pinkie - StarlightIcon.png Starlight Glimmer - Garfield - Zoe Trent - Mr. DoucheBag - ShaggyIcon.png Shaggy - JFK - Rolf - Snap - SpongebobIcon.png SpongeBob SquarePants | - PatrickIcon.png Patrick Star - Benson (Fan-Made)]]' - JennyIcon.png Jenny Wakeman - Homer Simpson - TariNormal.png Tari - BelleNormal.png Belle - Marvin the Martian - FireyIcon.png Firey - Four - Biggie Cheese - Phineas & FerbIcon.png Phineas & Ferb - SashaIcon.png Sasha Waybright - AnneIcon.png Anne Boonchuy ( CartoonMarcyLove )- MarcyIcon.png Marcy Wu - LuzIcon.png Luz Noceda - Eda & King - RobotnikIcon.png Dr. Robotnik - SuctionCupManIcon.png Suction Cup Man - AoodIcon.png Ood - Woody WoodpeckerIcon.png Woody Woodpecker - Eteledneutral1.png eteleD - AustinNormalIcon.png Austin OswaldIcon.png Oswald SpeedrunnerMarioIcon.png Speedrunner Mario
Internet Personas Rebecca Hunger Neutral.png Rebecca - 8BitRyanIcon.png 8-BitRyan (RyanIcon.png Boyfriend ) - Kubz Scouts Icon.png Kubz Scouts - Dawktrap - Shyrell Neutral.png Shyrell - Nostalgia Critic - Ninjamuffin - Vase Neutral.png Vase - NonsenseIcon.png Nonsense - XOXO - AflacIcon.png Aflac - Amor Neutral.png Amor - Verbalase - RetroSpecterIcon.png Retro Specter -AceIcon.png Ace (FSAce Icon.png Fun-Sized ) - CloudyNDXL.png NDXL - AnthemIcon.png Anthem - Wilbur Soot - Kimiri - Skeppy and BadBoyHalo - Fernando Bro Games - CesarFever Icon.png Cesar Fever - BlantadosIcon.png Blantad - CheeseIcon.png Cheese - CamelliaIcon.png Camellia - Ethan - Faradey - Sly - Jacobe - Nathaniel Bandy - Piccohoe - Dani - CodistIcon.png Codist - Jerry-The-SMG4-FanIcon.png Jerry-The-SMG4-Fan - SonaDrawzStuffYT - AlizaBunnIcon.png AlizaBunn - MergIcon.png Merg - NihhiuAliveIcon.png Nihhiu - Scott Wozniak - BBPanzu - Arm4GeDonIcon.png Arm4GeDon - TaeyaiIcon.png Taeyai - CvalNormalIcon.png Cval - KadeDevNormalIcon.png KadeDev
Internet Culture SlendermanIcon.png Slenderman - JeffIcon.png Jeff The Killer - SonicExeNormal.png Sonic.EXE - LordXNeutral.png Lord X - SunkyNeutral.png Sunky.MPEG - HappyMouseDeathIcon.png Suicide Mouse - Catastrophe Crow - Ronald Icon.png Ronald McDonald - SpongIcon.png Spong - Polar Bear - Cartoon Cat - Trollface -JackStickmanNormal.png Jack Stickman - FlowerIcon.png Mope Mope - Trollface/Trollge - (TrollgeIcon.png Malicious Bunny - John_Piss - TrollNewIcon.png A Bunch Of Mod Makers) - Anonymous - Weegee Neutral.png Weegee - Sanic - Chrome Dino - GruntGamingIcon.png Grunt Gaming - Tikymaskneutralicon.png Tiky - IRL Senpai - 4tanIcon.png /v/-tan - CancerIcon.png Cancer Lord - MLG-Tan.png MLG-Tan - SMG4BobNeutral.png Bob Bobowski - DeadPeashooterIcon.png Dead Peashooter
Other FLChanAzIcon.png FL Chan - New Aloe Icon.png Mano Aloe - NinomaeIcon.png Ninomae Ina'nis - Michael Jackson - Lucky Boy - Fun Sized Zardy - GF Hex - Kasane Teto - Beastie - Toilet - Dust Sans - Picardia - Baby - FireIce - Master GraceyIcon.png Master Gracey - Among Dream - Withered Toy Sonic - BB icon.png Bonzi

Boy Vs Girl Baby Bunny


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