Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism Colleges in Mumbai


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M.A.C.J.(Semester I & II)

    Semester I
  • Overview .I: Print, Radio, Television & Advertising
  • Overview IT: Film, Digital, Events, Gaming & Animation,
  • Media Communication, Theories
  • Media Management
  • Semester II
  • Introduction to Media Research
  • Media Marketing (IMC)
  • Media Finance & Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Media Laws.

M.A.C.J.(Semester III)

    Semester III
  • Public Relations in the Private and Public Sector
  • Media Management
  • Media Advocacy
  • Conflict Communication
  • Culture studies and Media
  • Political Communication
  • Video Games and Media
  • Sports Journalism
  • Concepts Of Storyboarding
  • Audio-Visual Production and Post-Production
  • Documentary film making
  • Multimedia Production
  • Storytelling for children
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Family Communication
  • Religion, culture and communication
  • Digital Media Marketing
  • Basic Course for Indian Sign Language Communication
  • Media and Disability Communication
  • Intercultural Communication

M.A.C.J.(Semester IV)

    Semester IV
  • Social science research design (Interdisciplinary)
  • Perspectives on Communication (Interdisciplinary)
  • Dissertation / Field Project

Post graduate course: The course is conducted at KC College, Colaba Campus

MACJ – Master of Arts in Communication & Journalism started in the academic year 2011-2012 affiliated to University of Mumbai.

  • A two year course
  • Makes students ready for research & to work in the field of Media
  • Compulsory Internship (Graded) after Semester II & Semester III

Eligibility Criteria for MACJ:

  • Graduate from any faculty with 45% marks.
  • Entrance test- comprising a written test, Group discussion & personal interview will be conducted at KC College, Colaba Campus.


Campus Placement Program
Department of Mass Media is conducting the campus placement program for the academic year 2019-20 from March 5-14, 2020 for all courses.Companies from various sectors of media are coming to the campus to recruit graduating students for job vacancies and internship positions. This includes companies like Sony Pictures Network, Rajshri Productions, Outlook Magazine, Archetype PR, White Turtle Production, Yangpoo, etc.

Film Screening and Discussion- Indian Space Dreams
Indian Space Dreams, a documentary film directed by Sue Sudbury, Documentary Filmmaker and Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University, UK was screened for the students of the department. The screening was followed by a discussion on the film with the filmmaker.

VII International Media Summit
International Media Summit is an annual media conference organised by the Department of Mass Media. This year was the seventh edition of the conference and the theme was LeaDMe, Learning Digitalization and Media.It was jointly hosted by three institutions – K.C. College, Mumbai, Bombay Teacher's Training College, Mumbai and Jönköping University, Sweden. Around 35 delegates from Sweden, India and UK presented their research papers in this three-day long conference.

Talk Journalism, Jaipur
Students from MACJ, MAEMA and BAFTNMP attended a three day event, Talk Journalism, at Jaipur from Sept 20-22, 2019. It was an informative and interactive event where eminent personalities in journalism from across the country conducted sessions and panel discussions on various contemporary issues.Students of the department participated and won prizes in photography, writing and Unconference events.

Industrial Visit to Pune
90 Students from all courses went on an industrial visit to Pune from August 23-24, 2019. They visited Film and Television Institute (FTII) and National Film Archives of India (NFAI) during the trip. The first film ever made in India, named Raja Harishchandra, was screened at NFAI for the students. They also went to Karla caves near Lonavala on their way back to Mumbai. Three teachers from the department accompanied them on this visit.

Cube Series 2019: Career, Courses and Challenges in Media
Department of Mass Media organized 6 th edition of lecture and workshop series, named as Cube Series,from 17th to 27th July, 2019. This series is conceptualized as an orientation series for the freshers.Through 15 different sessions this year, the series brought together some of the finest professionals from the field of print, television, films, photography, radio, public relations and new media to interact with the students.

Red Ink Awards, Mumbai
10 Students from BMM and MACJ course attended Red Ink Award Ceremony in Mumbai on June 28, 2019. In this event, various journalists across platforms are awarded for their outstanding contribution to the field of journalism. Students of the department attended the event and interacted with award winners about their work.

Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism Colleges in Mumbai


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