Speedtest.net Shows High Upload Download Speeds but Internet Is Really Slow

[SOLVED] speed test high simply download really boring every nighttime

  • Thread starter mportugais
  • Start date
Oct 9, 2019
  • #1

I recently moved to my girlfriend business firm and she has her own internet service (60 mbits/southward) then I dropped mine. When I was going to her house before, we were getting some buffering when streaming stuff that worked fine at my identify but didn't really make a big bargain out of information technology since I wasn't there ofttimes. I just thought it was the wifi.

Now that I moved there, I realized that at nighttime between 8 and 10 all downloads become reallllly slow suddenly (100-300 kB/due south). Its the same from my phone over wifi, its the aforementioned on my calculator on wifi and its the aforementioned from my computer with a wired connection. At first I thought it was the site I stream from even if its usually extremely fast but it isn't because I also tested a bunch of test files to download on unlike sites that are super fast outside of that time period (20-50 mbits/s) and I'm getting the same results for all (100-300 kB/southward) and on top of that I also tried the same links that are super slowed down on my phone using my data plan and I'm getting even more l mbits/s on all tests. So the sources are not the problem.

At that point I'm thinking that this is just a crap Internet service provider and they are throttling my connexion because all of those links are working fine on my data plan but what I don't empathise is that during that time period when all downloads become super slow, if I exercise a test speed on speedtest.net or on fast.com for instance I'thousand getting very practiced results (between 30 and 60 mbits/s). I also tried a very popular torrent and it was downloading fast. How tin can all my direct downloads be super irksome but my speedtest exist totally fine? is at that place something that I'm non getting? Tin my Internet access provider restrain my connection selectively like that?


Md Noman 1
  • #2
bank check you router config if those are correct it the isp i take 25 mbps connection and the max download speed i get is 3 mbps simply when i exam my speed information technology shows 25 mbps because the speed tests are done by connecting to Isp's local server (their own server) then the speeds are loftier but while downloading from external servers the speed is slow.
Md Noman 1
  • #2
cheque you lot router config if those are correct it the isp i have 25 mbps connectedness and the max download speed i get is 3 mbps but when i exam my speed it shows 25 mbps because the speed tests are done past connecting to ISP'southward local server (their own server) so the speeds are loftier but while downloading from external servers the speed is slow.
May 26, 2014
  • #3
If you live in America sorry to tell you that y'all don't accept net neutrality, your service provider can throttle whatever they want. I'd suggest using a VPN service, fifty-fifty the free ones can perform better than cypher at all.
October ix, 2019
  • #4
check you router config if those are right it the isp i have 25 mbps connection and the max download speed i get is iii mbps merely when i test my speed it shows 25 mbps because the speed tests are done by connecting to Isp's local server (their own server) then the speeds are high but while downloading from external servers the speed is slow.
Ah ok I didn't know that the speedtest sites were working like that. That would explain the deviation between that and an bodily download. Any reason why a torrent would nevertheless go fast? is information technology because its coming from a bunch of difference sources?
Oct 9, 2019
  • #five
If you live in America deplorable to tell yous that you don't have net neutrality, your service provider can throttle any they want. I'd suggest using a VPN service, even the free ones can perform better than zippo at all.
yes i tried that yesterday with a free windscribe account merely i was withal getting crap speed.
Md Noman 1
  • #vi
Ah ok I didn't know that the speedtest sites were working similar that. That would explicate the divergence between that and an actual download. Whatsoever reason why a torrent would yet go fast? is information technology because its coming from a bunch of departure sources?
I don't know well-nigh torrent(i don't use information technology) it may be requesting a bunch of connections from the server similar cyberspace download managing director dose.
Oct nine, 2019
  • #7
Same exact affair final night. its slow until x pm exactly to the second. At ten abrupt my speed improves dramatically. is that proof that the isp is limiting speed on a ready schedule? I would like to switch isp but it will cost me more than and I'm worried that will do the exact same affair because it wasn't the isp afterall
Oct 9, 2019
  • #8
Merely want to shut the loop on this issue. I inverse internet service provider and its all good at present. Top speed all the fourth dimension
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Source: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/speed-test-high-but-download-really-slow-every-night.3533098/

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