Issues Caused by Copying Items Between Two Drawings Autocad

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Topic ClosedCopy and paste, clipboard paste etc not working!!



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pizzle View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Copy and paste, clipboard paste etc not working!!
    Posted: 05.Feb.2014 at 16:10

Hi all, I have a very frustrating problem right now that is wasting hours of my time and has literally got me wanting to throw my computer out of the window!! I really hope someone can help me...

I am running AutoCAD 2011 and have a dwg file that simply won't let me copy and paste (both in the original drawing file OR into another drawing etc) It is literally driving me mad! It will let me rightclick 'copyselected' but that is literaly it.

I have read that this seems to be a fairly common issue but I can't seem to find a fix or solution to the problem. I have uploaded the problem file to the following location:

Please please please, if anyone has any info or fix that may help, I'd be forever grateful!!

Thanks in advance :-)

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John Connor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05.Feb.2014 at 17:51

Have you tried the old DXFOUT/DXFIN trick?

"Humans have a strength that cannot be measured. This is John Connor. If you are reading this, you are the resistance."

<<AutoCAD 2015>>

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pizzle View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05.Feb.2014 at 19:03

It won't let me DXFOUT either.

It just comes up with a message saying unable to save etc etc etc

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John Connor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05.Feb.2014 at 20:38

Your drawing contains a large number of dense hatches and in trying to save the drawing you may actually run out of memory.  Can you eliminate the hatches?

Your drawing is not very efficient either.  For example, one hanger consists of 38 objects.  Why isn't the hanger a block?  I'm sure I could find many more examples of the same thing.  All those objects add to the drawing file size.

How much RAM is installed in your computer?

How large is your hard drive?  How much free space is left on it?

Your drawing has over 16,000 duplicate objects and almost 7,000 overlapping objects.  Not good.  Who created the drawing and what program did they use?  Was it Microstation by any chance?

I ran an audit on your drawing and it found several blocks with errors that could not be fixed.  It also found six other database errors that fortunately could be fixed.

This has to be one of the more messed up drawings I've encountered in a while.

Why does the drawing use an imperial template (decimal inches) but block insertion units are millimeters?

Edited by John Connor - 05.Feb.2014 at 21:32

"Humans have a strength that cannot be measured. This is John Connor. If you are reading this, you are the resistance."

<<AutoCAD 2015>>

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pizzle View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05.Feb.2014 at 21:29

I totally agree with you. And believe it or not, It was one of the primary architects involved in this project who created the drawing! I have been working alongside them for a fair while now and most of the drawings are the same. Except this one is the worst if received from them.

I have 8g of ram and I have 2x hard drives at 1t each. My pc is fairly powerful and can handle most files (even very scatty ones)

My pc seems to be fine actually working with this particular file, It just simply won't let me copy & paste. I have had the same problem with another one of these guys drawings as well but can't seem to find it right now.

Someone has suggested it may be some kind of coding that the creator has included within the drawing to try and stop un-authorised editing to be carried out but I've never herd of this. Have you?

There appears to be a fair few others on forums with similar problems but I just can't seem to fix mine!

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John Connor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05.Feb.2014 at 21:48

The drawing is a complete and utter mess.  Isolating the Insulation layer one would expect to see the batt insulation on the layer but except for a few lines there is no insulation to be seen.

Whole rooms can be a single block or just a series of lines, polylines and arcs.  No rhyme, no reason.  And rooms can be on multiple layers.  Check on all the rooms there are on layer "0".  Makes no sense.

In some rooms fixtures like bathtubs and sinks are blocks but in other rooms they aren't.  Maybe they were and somebody exploded them?

I'd call the architect and tell him to clean the whole mess up because it is a nightmare to work with as it stands now.

Jeez, I just found some rooms actually show up on two different layers!  And some objects on a layer are different colors meaning someone purposely overrode the assigned layer color.

BTW...there are a handful of objects outside the perimeter of the building (to the top and to the right).  Looks like someone flung them into outer space for no reason.

I can copy and paste within your drawing but since it is so messed up I don't consider it to mean anything.  I'm going to stop now before I drive myself crazy.  If I got a drawing like this from an outside source their ears would be burning.  I'd talk to my boss and have him call the architect.  It's time for a sit down, face to face.

Edited by John Connor - 05.Feb.2014 at 22:10

"Humans have a strength that cannot be measured. This is John Connor. If you are reading this, you are the resistance."

<<AutoCAD 2015>>

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pizzle View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05.Feb.2014 at 22:35

Haha, It's a full on nightmare of a drawing isn't it!

I'm going to see if I can get a result from the architect, but I'm not holding my breath. And to makes things worse, I have a deadline to get these revised and sent over to my client for handover!! All I'm supposed to be doing is adding 'as-installed' detail to the plans for a utilities contractor but it's making things very awkward, not impossible but very awkward!

Thanks for looking anyway John! I'll be sure to let you know the outcome.... if any ;-)

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Floweret View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03.Sep.2014 at 21:03

So what I was told to do was EXPLODE what you want to copy multiple times and maybe even try the BURST command.

I kept getting "unable to copy to clipboard" box  and after multiple EXPLODE commands it finally worked!

Don't have any idea what the consequences are but I was told to do it and it worked.

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philippe JOSEPH View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04.Sep.2014 at 07:19

Hello pizzle, have you done SCALELISTDELALL on your drawing ?

You must APLOAD ScaleListDel.lsp inside your file before running the scalelistdelall command.

Have you PURGE with all the levels your drawing ?

Have you OVERKILL the lines in doubles in your file ?

In last I would use an other soft like Draftsight to test copy/paste.

Edited by philippe JOSEPH - 04.Sep.2014 at 07:19

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John Connor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04.Sep.2014 at 11:40

Anyone notice that the last response by pizzle was posted back in February of this year (almost seven months ago)?

"Humans have a strength that cannot be measured. This is John Connor. If you are reading this, you are the resistance."

<<AutoCAD 2015>>

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